3827 S Buckner Blvd,
Dallas, TX 75227
OPD-I: What All African Americans Need to Know is an examination of the psychological effects of slavery and racial oppression as experienced by African Americans. OPD-I is an acronym for Oppression Personality Disorder, a newly proposed personality disorder . As a result of slavery and prolonged oppression African Americans and other oppressed groups developed a personality disorder that reflects their intergenerational experiences of slavery and oppression. The book outlines clinical diagnostic criteria associated with the diagnosing of Oppression Personality Disorder. The book discusses and examines some of the ways that OPD-I is observed operating in various activities of daily life. The book offers therapeutic solutions for the effective treatment of the disorder. The book is intended to help African Americans and other oppressed groups to understand the effects that slavery and racial oppression has had on their lives and how the detrimental effects can be reversed and corrected.